The ability to use SQL against the Omnis Native Datafile has been an invaluable asset to the Omnis community, but let’s face facts: it does have its limitations. This session is aimed at developers who may be considering a conversion to SQL or those who have hit some of those limitations of OmnisSql and are looking for an alternative.Using SQLite, a self-contained, serverless SQL database engine, this session will aim to highlight the advantages of moving to a fully transactional, ACID compliant relational database for your Omnis applications without the necessity of installing a database server.Some of the key topics to be covered include:• constraints• ANSI joins• subqueries• outer joins• views• WITH clause• LIMIT• transactions•
set operators – UNION, INTERSECT, MINUS/EXCEPT• triggers
One of the hidden treasures of Omnis Studio. Frequently overlooked but the source of so much productivity.
The database is the skeleton upon which every business application works. Accessing that database and manipulating its contents is the most fundamental interaction between the user and the source (i.e. the data), facilitated by Omnis and you, the developer.
• The table class offers an incredible amount of power in terms of : • Standard SQL calls
• Enhancing your data access utilising SQL joins within a query very powerfully
• Accessing stored procedures
As a non-visual object and one that lends itself very effectively to OO principles such as inheritance and polymorphism, the table class is one of the most potent “starting points” in contemplating both a DML to SQL or Omnis 7 to Studio conversion. It offers the most fertile environment to introduce newcomers to the object oriented paradigm and “change the way you think” about programming.
In this presentation the table class is explored using an evolutionary process, building up from the standard SQL access Omnis offers and seeing how the table class can enhance the developer experience and productivity in several ways.
• Roll your own, reusable SQL
• Simplifying your data access code
• Exploiting OO principles
• Automating standard logging columns
• Simplifying multiple database access within a single application
• Accessing encrypted data
If you are not already using table classes, or if you suspect you are only scratching the surface, this presentation is for you!